It is crucial that you call Audi 24-Hour Roadside Assistance at 1-800-411-9988 (1-866-478-3456 for Audi R8 and A8 owners) for all Audi Roadside Assistance. However, in the event service cannot be dispatched to your location or you are located on a state-restricted roadway, you will be reimbursed for your out-of-pocket expenses up to a maximum of $200 for each disablement.
Reimbursement Instructions
What Your Disablement Coverage Does Not Include Unless otherwise specified, the Audi 24-Hour Roadside Assistance program does not include coverage for:
* Roadside Assistance provided by a third party. |
For immediate assistance anywhere in the U.S. and
Puerto Rico, call Audi 24-Hour Roadside Assistance* toll-free:
1-800-411-9988 1-866-478-3456 (Audi R8 and A8 owners)